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  • Daniel Lui

Gifts & Pee.

We get the craziest gifts serving others. It's actually kinda cool, because you know these people (with very little) are giving you their best...that they are truly appreciative. It is very cultural to give gifts in order to express deep gratitude, while it's also seen as rude (and even hurtful) not to accept. At the clinic, we've received preserved raw turkey legs, farm raised (live) name it. I wish I took pictures. What touched me this past week was a family giving me a handmade table cover. This is the family from Dali that I mentioned in the last post:

Praise God, our supporters helped raise enough (within hours) for the child's first surgery. Continue to lift up this baby girl. The parents are bringing her back to the city next month for her cleft lip repair. Depending on how she does, her second surgery (cleft palate) will likely be May of next year.


Extremely random, but one thing Lily and I can't get used to are kids that just pee (AND POOP) out in public. This can happen anywhere, and it's the norm. We've seen it mostly done over public sewers. But, we've also seen it done on the sidewalk, in trashcans at Walmart, in the middle of the street, etc. The craziest thing of all is most kids have pants with slits overlying the private areas (front AND back) to make going out in public quicker and easier.

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