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  • Lily & Dan

Family lesson. Not really trash for him.

Kingston and Fiona were dressed in kimonos (provided by grandma) as we decided to go for a stroll through the neighborhood. We decided to get some yummy OJ from the local smoke shop right outside our front gate. Kingston paid for the OJ and we turned back to walk home. I noticed a man taking a food container from the trash can. I remembered him from earlier because he was wearing a big backpack and looked a little rough around the edges. I told Kingston that I wanted him to give the OJ to the man because we needed to share, and because the man looked hungry and was searching through the garbage. Kingston obediently walked up to the man and handed him the bottle. We said “hi”…and he didn’t say anything.

We left to buy another OJ, then we headed home. My heart felt tugged like I needed to do something else, so I asked the kids to stop and pray for the man. When we got home, I fed the kids grapes and enjoyed the OJ. During this time my thoughts were all in battle, with one side saying I need to do more, but another making all these excuses why I shouldn’t or I didn’t need to. The Holy Spirit pushed through and no excuses this day! I thought I better just do it and not regret it later on. So, I asked the kids, “Should we go give the man more food now or after we finish the grapes?” Kingston said, “NOW”…and then immediately I realized it NEEDS to be that simple. We need to be simple and uncomplicated like a child.

I packed a bag of homemade pita bread, along with some fruit, snacks, and a few packs of napkins. I asked the kids to get up but they wanted to finish their food first. Then, Kingston only wanted to share ONE pita bread…hahaha, kids! Before we left home, we asked God to help us find this man again, so we could serve him the food, and also so Kingston and Fiona can learn more about God’s goodness.

We walked through the neighborhood and a bit outside and found the man in a different spot! Praise God. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers! I asked Kingston to hand over the bag of food. We said we wanted to give him more food. He said “thank you” and smiled. I told him we would be praying for him. He seemed grateful and his eyes lit up, maybe with hope or joy?

I pray God will give him hope and joy and salvation, not by what we did but by what the Gospel can do. I pray that God will have His way with this man!



We’ve bumped into a lot of these type of people recently. Not just once, but the same people multiple times. As it talks about in 1 Corinthians 13, we believe it is all about this illogical yet exceptional love…AGAPE. It's not what we can do, but what He can do through us.

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."

This was a picture taken form a distance (later zoomed in) of someone we’ve bumped into. Eating trash. When asked if we could please buy him some food, he said, “I already have food.”


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